Seventy-five percent of the world’s c0ffee comes from the Coffea Arabica plant. The most controversial part of coffee is its caffeine content (a powerful stimulant). Coffee can have a stimulating effect in humans due to its caffeine content, it affects the nervous system of the body. Robusta coffee has more caffeine than Arabica coffee. Espresso Coffee has just 1/3 of the caffeine content of ordinary coffee. It takes 40 coffee beans to make an espresso. However, not all charges against caffeine have proven true. Until now, whether the overall effects of coffee are ultimately negative or positive has been widely disputed. The caffeine found in coffee is believed can increase the effect of some painkillers, especially paracetamol and aspirin. Caffeine also found in tea, cocoa and soda drinks.
The benefits of coffee (according to studies):
Coffee can reduce risk of liver damage and gallstones, increase the rate of metabolism, discourage colon cancer, and improve endurance and cognitive function.
The risks of Coffee (according to studies):
It can cause increased your blood pressure, make your heart beat pump faster and developing an irregular heartbeat. If we consume caffeine, it will work on our cardiac cells and will increase our pulse rate as a result. The condition greatly increases the risk of having a stroke, heart disease, heart attack or other cardiac problems.
Listen to your body's response, every person has different body response after drinking coffee. Sipping a cup of coffee is a pleasure as many of you would agree, my favorite moments to enjoy a cup of coffee is during working or spending my time with my laptop (blogging or the like) especially after i wake up or at bedtime. However, as for me after drinking coffee or tea, i would feel hungry faster (this is believed due to its caffeine content which will increase your metabolism) and at the end i ended up seeking for food. For me, coffee has an addictive property if consumed continuesly and some people have additional effect such as feeling anxiety, dizziness and fast heart beat (this one happen for me too, sometimes i can feel that my body is shaking), can’t get to sleep and get angry easily (inbalance mood). Thus if these negative effects are getting too much, it is better to stop consuming coffee and consult to the doctor if necessary.
Brazil is the largest coffee-producing nation, responsible for 30 – 40% of total world output. Vietnam ranks number two followed by Colombia as the third. Finland is the world’s largest coffee consumers, followed by West Germany and then Japan (October 1st is official “Coffee Day” in Japan). There are 65 countries in the world grow coffee and all of them are found along the equator, within the tropics (between the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn). Coffee cherries usually contain two beans, except for the single peaberry anomaly.
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